Winners of Beirut Identity!

Congratulations to the Beirut ID 2020 winners! You can check out our winners below in our online gallery! Stay tuned for the projects’ collaboration with NGOs to implement the projects with the Lebanese community.

Nazel El Saleh

Suite à l’explosion du 4 août, Beyrouth s’est retrouvée complètement dévastée et s’enlise dans une crise économique. En raison de l’augmentation exorbitante des prix des marchandises, les libanais consomment beaucoup moins qu’auparavant entrainant ainsi un ralentissement de l’activité. Ainsi des entreprises et des commerces se trouvent obligés de licencier des employés voire même fermer boutique. Vu la situation actuelle, les libanais vont devoir consommer d’avantage des produits locaux.

Ekhtiyarat Teta

Ekhtiyarat Teta focuses on two mains issues born after the tragedy of August 4th, the first issue is the closure of small businesses as a consequence of the economic crisis that hit the country this past year. And the second issue is a direct consequence of the immigration wave that hit the city. families are leaving Beirut for a better life abroad leaving behind the older generation especially the Teta’s (grandmother) who are suffering from loneliness and social isolation.


Hello, and welcome to PortBeirut! For this competition, we have developed a project that tackles the issues of hunger and lack of public spaces in the city of Beirut. That said, we hope you enjoy your stay at our port.

The Opinionated Pop Up

The Opinionated Pop Up project proposal focuses primarily on the current protests in Lebanon The project proposes to create different spaces in the city of Beirut to exhibit the revolutionary art of the population, with the purpose of giving the society the opportunity to express its opposition freely through art, to create a safe environment that promotes discussion, mutual respect, Lebanese identity and the unification of Beirut’s society to achieve a change.

Regenerating identity. Dynamic pills for the community of Beirut | Applied Research Project

We firmly believe that these collaborative activities between different working groups and countries with study, research and project activities can concretely recognize and propose by contributing to rethinking the renewal of the identity of this wonderful city, which has been so badly affected by the terrible event. The study activities are already underway and the program will develop over a period of 12-18 months and will involve quick semester and project workshops, flanked by research projects and exhibition projects related to daily life activities, to the micro-infrastructure of neighborhood and the principles of Community Design and Design for Territory, particularly in the areas of Central Beirut affected by the devastation. Within the annual Design for Territory program, we aim to work on the level of experimental and experiential Design which aims to create useful tools for the Regeneration of a dynamic and participatory identity of the Beirut community and the central area


My name is Gayatri Re, I am 13years old. I want to believe in change, I want to believe in a different world. Recostruction, resilience, peace, prosperity, sense of community, belonging, union, harmony, sharing, and welcome. My project contains all these words together in one place that represents the Libanese tradiction aesthetically but that welcomes within itself what tradition is not.